Kenya - A Word From Nelly
Saturday Program
Swimming Pool Fun!
29th August 2019
Hello, thank you for staying with us and being part of what we do in Kenya—ministering to families in Soweto. It's been a blessing working alongside you in fulfilling the great commission. I am glad to let you know that God has been faithful in meeting our spiritual and physical needs through you.
We have managed to identify a total of 50 children who have attended the program consistently since we started; though we still get between 50 and 80 children every Saturday.
We had a three-week school break here and children are just getting back to school. We took a two-week break to allow time for other holiday activities. We resume back the first week of September.
Just before taking a break, we had a retreat for the kids to start off the holiday. Their request was to go swimming in a pool. It wasn't really swimming but playing in the water. Most kids coming from their area haven’t been to a pool. This was a great treat as we had our bible study and lunch beside the pool and played. This was great and lots of fun. Again, thank you so much for making this possible by providing the resources and support.
Bounce House
We plan to have our back-to-school event to provide school supplies and encouragement to children from this community soon. We are mobilizing for school supplies and hygiene products for the girls. We continue to cover tuition fees for 7 children but that’s a small number compared to the 50 that come for our Saturday program. We would like to be part of their journey too.
Special thank you to the team planning a trip to Kenya in October and everyone that is working to make this possible. We highly value your love, commitment which makes everything here possible.